On September 29th was Hyrum's Boosterthon Fun Run this year for school. He LOVES the Boosterthon Fun Run and was so excited
this year to participate. The Boosterthon helps raise money for Hyrum's school. For each lap that he ran, he earned a certain amount of money for his school. Hyrum was eager to find some pledges from Brandon and myself and Grandma and Papa. Hyrum was determined that this year he would run the full 35 laps.
After we dropped Hyrum off at school, Ben, Emmy and I went home to quickly make some signs to cheer on Hyrum and his class while they ran. I LOVE that Ben and Emmy get so excited about the Fun Run.
Hyrum before the race.
Some fun friends at the race
The kids and I had a fun time at the race cheering on the runners and giving them high fives.
The Boosterthon People really help to create an exciting environment for the race.
Hyrum was very focused and determined during the race.
Hyrum actually ran 39 laps. Four laps extra!
He was tired and sweaty by the end of the time limit for the race.
Even though the day was really hot for the end of September, we loved being there to support our super fast Handsome Hyrum!
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