Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Family Program

On May 10th, Ben and Emmy's Kindergarten class had a family program.  The kids were so excited for us to come and watch them.  Luckily, my parents were able to make it for the kids' grand performance.  The kids sang some really cute songs and said some fun poems. 

 Emmy and her cute friends from her class.

After the performance, they each handed out cookies and punch.  The kids had talked about serving us the refreshments for days.  Ben told me that he would have to serve me first because he loved me.
As you can tell from the picture, the kids took their role of pass out refreshments to us very seriously!

We were so lucky to have such a wonderful teacher for Ben and Emmy.  She made Kindergarten fun for them while also challenging them into reaching their full potential. Mrs. McCarroll made it easy for the kids to transition from not only preschool to Kindergarten, but from Tennessee to Colorado.  We were very lucky to have such an amazing teacher. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Headin West Ya'll

On May 8th was Ben, Emmy and Hyrum's Spring Fling.  The kids had worked for MONTHS on their dances for this night. They were all so excited to show us what they had been learning in PE and Music.  The theme for the night was Western. Hence the title for the show was Headin West Ya'll.  The kids each had to wear western clothes. The kids each wanted to wear cowboy boots, but I couldn't bring myself to bite the bullet of paying 75 dollars per kids for a pair of boots.  Anyways, poor Brandon made a commitment back in January to do a presentation at the local hospital and so he missed the awesome performance. 

The kids were so cute count down the minutes until we were supposed to leave to go to the school for the performance.  Before we left, the kids obliged me and let me take some pictures of them. 
I thought Ben looked so handsome.

I can't believe how old my Hyrum is looking. He is growing up too fast!

Doesn't Emmy look so cute in her new western shirt?
Lucy had to go and find our play camera and take pictures. 
The program started off with all the kids singing some songs that they learned in Music. The song Do, Do, Do, Do Remember Me I have heard for months!

 At the beginning of the night, there was a group number to the song Cotton Eyed Joe.  The kids have LOVED this dance and think they are pretty fancy doing it.

Each of the grades performed some cute songs and dances individually.

The kindergarten danced to You Are My Sunshine.

I loved how Ben in this video is loving the fact that he is the leader and can hardly keep his smile off his face.

 Hyrum did a couple of  western dances.  He was so embarrassed (but secretly loved it) when he had to shake his tail feather. Also, the girl that is his partner in the dance has sent him numerous love notes and invited Hyrum to her birthday party.

One of the best parts of the night was the fact that Lucy was copying the movements and so wanted to be out there dancing with the big kids.  It was so cute and funny!

To end the program, the kids sang Happy Trails to You.  You could tell that the kids and teachers put a lot of work and effort into their program.  Everything was very nice.

After the program we headed to a local diner for some tasty ice cream.  I was so proud of my kids of how hard they worked and how brave they were to get up in front of everyone. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hershey Track Meet

On May 1st Hyrum participate in a local Hershey Meet in Alamosa.

Hyrum was quite excited to participate. He begged me for days to sign him and finally I did.  Hyrum did the 100 M, 200 M, Softball throw, and 4 X100 relay. 

Hyrum did pretty well for being one of the youngest kids there (he barley made the deadline by six weeks). 

  It was a cold and windy day, but we were there to support our Hyrum and cheer him on. We were proud of him.