Monday, August 15, 2011

Ben and Emmy's First Day of Preschool 2011

Today was Ben and Emmy's first day of preschool for this school year. They have been so excited to go and have been counting down the days.

Last night, I painted Emmy's nails a sparkly purple for her first day. She was in heaven! She kept saying how pretty everyone will think she is with her nails painted. It was so funny. She was so excited to pick out her clothes and bow for her big day. She wanted to make sure that she looked fancy and pretty (She recently discovered the books Fancy Nancy and LOVES them). She was very excited to finally be able to wear her new shoes. The shoes were on sale and were a big hit with this little girl in our house. The shoes are, for the most part, the colors pink, purple, silver and light-up when she walks.

Ben made the comment yesterday that he was excited that he would have a great breakfast today. He has also been itching to wear his new shoes that are green and black like Hyrum's.

Emmy was eager to help me make the special breakfast this morning. The breakfast this morning consisted of blueberry pancakes, eggs (omelet style), bacon and OJ.
After breakfast the kids got ready to head to school. Emmy insisted on wearing two bows this morning. She told me that she wouldn't look pretty or fancy if she only had one bow in her hair. I decided that if having two bows in her hair (that don't match) would make her feel pretty and fancy and give her confidence for her first day then it wasn't a big deal.I can't believe how big Ben and Emmy are getting. They have grown-up so fast. I can't believe that soon they will be five. For the most part, they love each other. From what I have heard about last year and today, they stick to each other at school. They both are very smart and eager to learn about everything around them. They love books and can read a few words by themselves. Ben loves numbers and math problems. Emmy loves to color and is great at fine motor skills. She has fantastic writing for a preschooler.
What kind of day would it be if I didn't have a silly Ben picture?They had a great fist day at school. They had fun and made a cute craft to go along with the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.We are so lucky to have these to silly birds in our family. I can't wait to see what they will accomplish this year.

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