Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Great Birthday Party

One of my favorite things to do, when we go to Utah, is to spend time with my cousins! While we were in Utah, we went to a party to celebrate my cousin Lissa's 30th birthday.

My Aunt Julene, Lissa's mom, had planned a great game of bingo, complete with prizes, for everyone to play. Other games were played too!

Of course we had delicious food!

 Lucy with her Anna hair!

 After everyone ate, the gym was cleared and we jumped rope! It was so much fun! I loved jumping rope and my kids loved jumping rope with my cousins.

One of my cousins, Tom, tried to do a push up and jump rope at the same time.Of course my kids then had to try to see if they could do a push up and jump too.

This is a picture of all the people in our family who turned thirty that year.
My cousins Ryan and Lissa, myself and my sister-in-law Tracy.

It was such a enjoyable night with our family! 

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