Friday, December 3, 2010

Shining Moments

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed about my role as a mother to these sweet three children who have been given to me. Quite often I feel as if I fail miserably at my job of being a mother. I feel as if I don't have enough patience, I don't read to them enough or do enough fun crafts and activities with them. I feel like I don't show my love and admiration for them as much as I should. I feel like I have wasted time with them. I get frustrated with the fact that they fight with each other and tell each other that they are on the naughty list.

These past couple of days I have felt as if a lens has been removed from my eyes and I can see a little bit clearer. I have decided that I need to look for the positive. I need to find at least one positive thing to say about the day and my time with my children. I need to focus on the positive and bring it out more than the negative.

I have also decided to take more time to do more things with my children and enjoy them being little.

Today was a good day. The three of us had a silly lunch. Emmy and I made birthday cakes out of sandwiches and used the carrots for candles. Ben made a cave out of his sandwich and drove his carrots through. We pretended to eat each other and laughed at the silliness of it all.Ben, Emmy and I danced (I held both of them and spun around) to blaring Christmas music and giggles.

We snuggled on the bed and read Christmas books and then took a little nap. I know all the days won't be like this, but I have come to realize the truthfulness of Elder Ballard's words, “Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.” For part of the day today we had a shining moment.


  1. I love that quote by Elder Ballard. It's very comforting when those shining moments happen and you remember why you're doing what you're doing. You're a great mother, and you're not alone in your feelings. I often feel the same way.

    I'm glad you were able to have some fun with your kids today!

  2. What a great post because motherhood is definitely the hardest, most overwhelming thing that I've ever done. Yet there are pretty fun times every single day, even if those times are lost in a sea of tattling, fighting, and time outs.

  3. for what it's worth, i feel like your whole blog is about the shining moments, and i always get a positive vibe from your writing and pictures. it's true, it's not easy, and we need to remember that so we're not too hard on ourselves. thank you for your insights and that quote. i really need that.
    and those masks are the best.

  4. Thanks for that post! I think all of us mom's feel that way and we need a reminder that we aren't the only ones! and I LOVE that quote!! thanks for sharing!

  5. what?!! If you only knew what I think of you when I read your blog! I am ALWAYS amazed at the creative and fun things you do with your kids! Aren't we all our worst critics? You are a great mom...and I totally know how you feel, I've been feeling that way too.
    Thanks for your example!

  6. Thanks for the reminder! I definitely needed it this week! Great pics!
