Friday, July 29, 2016

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

Another one of the favorite things we did on our trip to Texas was spending time at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center.

We would drive around the park in our van and various animals would come up to our car and we would feed them.

The animals that we fed ranged from a wide variety of sheep and antelope to an elk and giraffe.

Some of the favorite moments were when an animal was coming into Hyrum's side of the car and so Brandon and Lucy were watching that animal.  At the same time a large elk came into Brandon's and Lucy's side.  Lucy was terrified and screamed so loud!
Lucy went to the complete back of  Brandon's parents' car when the giraffe came to their car.  She totally hid behind a sun visor too.
There was also a zebra that loved Ben and would keep following our car to be fed by him.

Emmy loved feeding the little baby animals.

The giraffe's whole head came into the van and used its tongue to take the food from Brandon's hand.

It was a wonderful experience that our kids still talk about with fun memories. It was great to experience it with Brandon's parents too. 

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